Boss Name - This is the name of the Boss System. Example: CMH Gateway
Phone # - This is the full phone number of the Boss System. Example 1-123-123-1234
Modem Init - This is the Modem Init string to be used with this Boss System. Note: This only works if the Copernicus - Call Application or the Tabby - TabbyNet Application is being used as the mailer.
Password - This is the Password for the Boss System (if one is required).
Boss Zone - This is the Zone Number of the Boss System. Example: 1
Boss Net - This is the Net Number of the Boss System. Example: 226
Boss Node - This is the Node Number of the Boss System. Example 20
Private Net/Hub - This is the Private net Number or Private Hub Number assigned by the Boss System.
Point Number - This is the Private Point Number assigned to you by the Boss System.
Private Hub - Check this Box if you are running as a private Hub.
Primary Boss - Check this box if this Boss is the Primary Boss. There can only be one Primary Boss. The Primary Boss is the boss that outbound E_mail will be directed to if it is addressed to a destination not found in the current Boss list. Note: if no primary boss is checked, then CP will assign the first Boss listed as the primary Boss System.
Boss (Drop Down Menu) - Use this menu to select a specific Boss to modify. Note: remember if a change is made, be sure to click the Update button before clicking the Done button; otherwise the changes will not be remembered.
Delete Button - Click on this button to delete the current Boss.
Update Button - Click on this button to make any changes to the Boss permanent. Note: If a change is made and the Update button is not clicked before the Done button is clicked, the changes will not be remembered.
New Button - Click on this button to take the current information and make it into a new Boss.
Done Button - Click on this button to Exit the Boss editor.
Prev Button - Click on this button to display the PREVIOUS Boss. Note: remember if a change is made be sure to click the Update button, or the changes will not be remembered.
Next Button - Click on this button to display the NEXT Boss. Note: remember if a change is made be sure to click the Update button, or the changes will not be remembered.